Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Master Bedroom: Day 2

So today I started getting sick.  Felt nauseated part of the day, but it got better pretty quickly.  I was surprised, because for a while I was sure the flu was coming on.  I think it has to do with the green smoothies and healthy food I've been eating. (The feeling better part, not the sick part.)

I really didn't want to do my 15 minutes today.  I mean, really.

I forgot to make the kids do it.  Both boys weren't feeling so hot today, so since they're kids I kind of let it go earlier.  Then I forgot about it later, completely.  They were running around like they usually do and ate a hearty dinner, so they could have done it.  They'll get back in the saddle tomorrow.

There was nothing exciting about today, except that I found a book a friend loaned me.  I had lost it while in the middle of it and have been wanting to read the rest.  (It had snuck under the bed somehow!)  I just continued to clean up my floor and now we can get into the closet.  Our room becomes the receptacle for things we don't know what to do with, like boxes of stuff and odds and ends. Those are mostly out of the way now, stacked and waiting to be sorted through, instead of blocking part of our closet door. 

It does look better in there.  I'm so glad I just did it anyway. 


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I completely rearranged the furniture in our bedroom yesterday and found my much missed, much loved red shoes under the bed. Whoohoo! Cleaning house has unexpected rewards, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

It's one of those days, I fear. I didn't want to exercise today but I forced myself to. Storymakers is only a month away.

mindyluwho said...

I have spent the morning cleaning my son's room. I still have a few hours to go....