Saturday, March 20, 2010

Days 3&4: Bathroom

Ok, so I in fact did do my 15 minutes yesterday.  Pacific time instead of my current Central, but it still counts because it was before I went to bed! 

I had a full day yesterday, and by the time I got the teething baby settled down on Daddy (he was still working from home) and remembered about my 15 minute commitment, it was nearly 1:00 am.  What's another 15 minutes when you've already been up that late, right?

I got another two baskets cleared out last night, and another two today plus two small ones.  I'm going to have to do some reshuffling of some of them.  One of them is going to be divided into two baskets, but that's going to have to wait until the next Bathroom Week.  I also cleared some dirty clothes off of the counter and emptied out the wastebasket.  I've thrown out a whole lot of expired, empty, or no longer wanted bottles, jars and tubes.  The closet looks so much better!  I found a lot of hidden dirty laundry behind my diaper pail that is waiting to be washed.  I actually found my wetbag! (I do cloth diapers, and a wetbag is a small travel bag to put wet diapers in.)

The boys have done a fantastic job with their room, and they're not complaining as much about doing it.  They're seeing that a few minutes of diligence a day is really going to make their room clean.

Princess has picked up all her clothes off the floor.  Since her room is really a major mess, she's going to need my help.  After all, she's only four.

I really didn't want to do it today since I've been running around cleaning other things and doing laundry.  But, since I promised myself I'm glad I did!

Next week, as Flylady has scheduled:  Master Bedroom Week.  Yikes.  I admit, I'm not looking forward to that one.  I am looking forward to the results, though. The kids will continue on with their 15 minute cleaning in their rooms as well.

I'm doing all I can today to make Sunday an actual day of rest.  It hasn't been for me in a long time.

See you Monday!

1 comment:

mindyluwho said...

I'm starting on Monday...the 15 minutes of decluttering per day. You've sufficiently inspired me!