Monday, April 5, 2010

Last Week, This Week

I was terrible at posting last week, but knowing I was going to kept me going.

15 minutes Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat.  Booyah!

The couches got cleared out underneath, piano cleared off and dusted, the cobwebs are gone from the walls, and the biggest layer of dust is gone from the pictures.  Perfect?  Not yet, but much better!

The kids forgot a couple of days (meaning I forgot to make them do it), but under Lion's bed is finally clear.  A few bits to sweep once we pull his bed out, but it is amazing!  A couple of weeks ago things were stuffed so hard under his bed they were completely spilling out.

This week is the most cluttered, un-functional place in my house: the kitchen. 


Anonymous said...

Way to go, Rebecca! I'm so proud of you! I need to work on my cobwebs. =]

mindyluwho said...

I need to set a goal to do this each day. I'm so inspired by reading your accomplishments. So much done in so little time!