Saturday, April 17, 2010

Yes, I'm Still Achieving!

I have been quite remiss in logging my progress, but progress I have had!

I finished last week in the kitchen, all the way through.  My poor kitchen is still a disastrous mess, but I cleaned out the refrigerator and got rid of some stuff.  I cleaned out my pantry closet, and a lot of time was spent catching up on cleaning dishes and sorting through boxes.

This week has been the bathroom, so I've come full circle.  It has been a full month that I've been doing this, and I know after another month, two months, three months, my house will look completely different. 

I've gotten 15 minutes done every day except last night, when dishes needed washing and I've been working under a teething-baby deadline.  James helped me load the dishwasher after I put Bean to bed, then we watched New Moon.  Bean woke up after only an hour or so, and only wanted to sleep on me.  I categorize yesterday under the "illness" category of acceptable excuses, even though the illness wasn't mine. :D

Great strides in the bathroom.  I went through my train case full of old cosmetics, cleaned out a cabinet under the sink, went through a little box that had been holding some of my old beauty stuff, and nearly finished the closet.  If Bean will let me today I'll do the other drawers on the other side of the sink. 

Next week: Master Bedroom again.  There will only be three days of this room, because on Thursday morning James, Bean and I are leaving for Salt Lake City.  We're attending the LDStorymakers conference next weekend.

I'm really enjoying seeing the difference on this second go-round of the house. 


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Rebecca! I bet your house looks beautiful! I can't wait to see you next week! =D

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Can I just say how happy I am for you? I know how amazing it feels to tackle these sorts of projects (I'm doing the same around here) and I'm so glad you're experiencing that right now!